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REVOAR JOVEM: art, culture and socio-emotional development

The course aims to build, through different artistic expressions, the socio-emotional development of young people in situations of social vulnerability through a process of self-knowledge, emotional regulation and intra and interpersonal strengthening, so that they can get to know themselves deeply and build their artistic life project for the coming years, focused on the personal, educational and professional dimensions, with self-awareness and assertiveness.
the course

How it happens And its Objectives
The course consists of two stages, for a total of 51 hours. The two stages take place after school hours and on the premises of partnering public schools.
STAGE I: Socio-emotional training through different artistic languages
The socio-emotional training is made up of 4 complementary modules, using different expressions and artistic languages, and ends with the construction of artistic life projects for the continuity of the self-development process and an exhibition of the projects.
STAGE II: Monitoring the implementation of artistic life projects
To support and encourage the implementation of life projects, built for the next 3 years and covering the various dimensions of life, fortnightly group meetings will be held, lasting 2 hours each for 3 months.

Develop socio-emotional skills such as: self-knowledge, emotional regulation, empathy, collaboration and autonomy;
Identify and recognize strengths that make you have a positive view of yourself;
Know and practice artistic expressions for socio-emotional development;
Develop self-confidence and ability to make decisions;
Develop an artistic life project for each participant.

teaching materials
Revoar Jovem: art, culture and socio-emotional development offers a purpose-made pedagogical material, called Artistic Diary, which is related to each module of the course. The material is of great relevance for deepening the self-development of young people and for building and monitoring the life project of each participant.

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