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teams in connection

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Team strengthening and integration course. The course focuses primarily on reconnecting professionals with their choices and work activities, and then promotes integration among team members, strengthening bonds and improving the organizational climate and relationships within the group. The course is  an experiential immersion to create a space for connection, exchange, collaboration and engagement.

the course

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instituto revoar, educação socioemocional, OSC, jovens, educadores, metodologia, dragon dreaming, ações sociais

How it happens And its Objectives 

The course consists of online or face-to-face meetings using various approaches and innovative tools for collaboration and connection, such as: Pedagogy of Cooperation, Cooperative Games, Design Thinking, Dragon Dreaming and Non-Violent Communication. This allows for the construction of a space of reception, openness, respect and connection with oneself and with the other for improving the sense of team, teamwork, aiming at the construction of efficient results, high engagement of individuals and a collaborative work environment. 

The Teams in Connection takes around 12 hours and is adapted to the reality of each team. It can be developed in an online or face-to-face format, it has a minimum of 8 participants to take place.

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Professionals more connected and stimulated for their functions and work obligations;


More integrated and strengthened teams;


Improved organizational climate;


Improved results in day-to-day work.

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